There are two variants of a typhoid vaccination. An active typhoid vaccination with a dead vaccine that is injected or an oral vaccination with a live vaccine. The typhoid vaccination by injection is a one-time vaccination. With the oral vaccination, a total of three capsules must be taken within five days.
The immunization should be completed approximately two weeks before departure.
Get detailed advice about a typhoid vaccination in our practice in Munich. We offer you an effective typhoid vaccination at any time.
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Anyone planning a trip to regions where typhoid fever is more common should not forego a typhus vaccination. The typhoid vaccination offers protection for up to three years with an injection vaccination and around one year with an oral vaccination.
Vaccination, if necessary with a combination vaccine with hepatitis A
15 minutes
Vaccinability check. Medical travel advice in the smartpraxis.
Short observation time in the waiting room
Approximately €40 for a single vaccine and approximately €100 for a combined vaccine. Vaccination benefit: approx. 11€.
Ärztehaus Nymphenburg | 2nd floor
Rosa-Bavarese-Str. 1
80639 Munich
Consultation hours:
Mon, Tue, Thu: 08:00 – 18:00
Wed: 07:30-13:00
Fri: 07:30-13:00
089 / 856 395 82
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