Dr. Sirfy berät eine Frau zu medizinischen Fragen
#sosmart: Getting rid of worries instead of carrying them arround with me
Preventive care and check-ups
Mann bucht Termin in der Smartpraxis mit Smartphone
#sosmart: Getting my doctor's appointment in seconds
Online booking of appointments
Frau mit Handy bucht Termin in der Smartpraxis
#sosmart: Ideally protected when travelling
Travel medicine and vaccination
Ein junger Mann bucht auf einer Treppe sitzen einen Termin in der Smartpraxis
#sosmart: Using digitization for my health
Digital services
Comprehensive preventive care and
prevention for your health?
Book your Premium Check-Up now

The smart health practice

Welcome to the future of general practice. Welcome to a practice that stands by its patients – no matter their location. We use digitalisation in order to facilitate the exchange between patient and practice, improve treatment and allow doctors to have more time for patient care.

A practice for which #stayhealthy is just as important as #gethealthy. That is #smartmedicine for us.

#sosmart: Visit the doctor from home
To the video consultation

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Make an appointment - #stayhealthy

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